
Why Women Have a Better 'Sixth Sense' than Men

Why Women Have a 'Sixth Sense'

The centuries women were burn for the stake of possessing the ' supernatural power's '. These 

includes the abilities of predicting the outcome's of relationship's , spited the liar's , talk to the 

animal's and to uncover the truth.

Why Women Have a 'Sixth Sense'

 In 1978, we conducted an experiment for a television program which highlighted women's ability to

 read the body language signals of babies. At a maternity hospital, we collated a selection of ten-

second film clips of crying babies and asked the mothers to watch the clips with the sound turned 


This way the mothers received only visual information. Most mothers could quickly detect a range 

of  emotions ranging from hunger and pain to wind or tiredness. When the fathers did the same test,

 their success rate was faithful - fewer than 20 % of father 's could pick more than

two emotion 's.

Why Women Have a 'Sixth Sense'

 Even then, we suspect many were probably guessing. Many fathers would triumphantly

announce, 'The baby wants its mother. ' Most men had little, if any, ability to decode the differences

 in baby cries. We also tested the grandparents to see if age

affected the outcome. 

Most grandmothers scored 50- 70% of the mother's score, while many grandfathers

could not even identify their own grandchild! Our study with the  identical twin 's revealed to that 

most of the  grandfather 's were unable to identify each twin individually,

whereas most female family members had less difficulty with this task.

 In a room of fifty couples it take 's the average woman less than ten minute 's to analyse that the 

relationship between the each couple in the room. When a woman enter 's a room , her superior

sensory abilities 's will  enable her to rapidly identify couple 's who are getting on with each other, 

who's had an argument, who is making advances on whom and where the competitive or friendly 

women are. 

Why Women Have a 'Sixth Sense'

When a man enters a room, our cameras show a different story. Men scan the room looking for exits 

and entries - his ancient brain wiring evaluates where a potential attack

may come from and possible escape routes.

 Next, he looks for familiar faces or possible enemies and then scans the room layout. His logical 

mind will register things that need to be fixed or repaired such as broken

windows or a blown light bulb.

 Meanwhile, the women have scanned all the faces in the room and know what's

what, who's who and how they are all feeling.

More Details In Video:-

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